APPLICATION FOR CREDIT ACCOUNT AND GUARANTEE PO Box 781 Ingleburn NSW 1890 ABN: 82 331 629 658 Phone: 1300 138 620 Fax: 9829 6907 "Trading terms are 7 days from invoice date and the PERSONAL GUARANTEE of all directors and proprietors is required from any company or business. CREDIT is NON-ASSIGNABLE or TRANSFERABLE and all accounts become due and fully payable immediately on such director or proprietor no longer holding the office of director or proprietor. In event that the company or business does not pay the account then such director or proprietor will remain personally liable to pay the account." Customer Name Business Address (required) Postal Address (required) Registered Address (required) Phone Number Fax Number A.B.N. Your Email Type Of Business Structure CompanySole TraderPartnershipGovernment Nature Of Business (required) Business Commenced (required) Credit Required (required) Bank (required) Branch (required) Directors: Please supply full names and residential addresses of Guaranteeing Director(s)/Proprietor(s) (required) Director 1 Address Director 2 Address Director 3 Address References: Please provide names and addresses of three referees who can support your Credit Application (required) Reference 1 Phone Number Reference 2 Phone Number Reference 3 Phone Number 1. Agreement that (name of credit provider) may seek consumer credit information (Section 18K(1)(b), Privacy Act 1988) If IFE Forklifts considers it relevant to assessing my/our application for commercial credit, I/we agree to IFE Forklifts obtaining from a credit reporting Agency a credit report containing personal credit information about me/us in relation to commercial credit provided by IFE Forklifts. 2. Exchanging information with other credit providers (Section 18N (1)(b), Privacy Act 188) I/we agree to IFE Forklifts obtaining personal information about me/us from other credit providers, whose names I/we may have provided for IFE Forklifts, or that may be named in a Credit Report, for the purpose of assessing my/our application for commercial credit made to IFE Forklifts. 3. Agreement to a Credit Provider being given a consumer credit report to collect overdue payments on commercial credit (Section 18K 1(h) Privacy Act 1988) I/we agree that IFE Forklifts may obtain a credit report about me/us from a credit reporting agency for the purpose of collecting overdue payments relating to commercial credit owed by me/us. Name Signature Title Date Name Signature Title Date Δ